Developer Community
The Developer Forum is a platform where you can ask questions, obtain guidance, and find useful information while building applications and integrations. Support for Mitel Self-Assessed applications is largely limited to 'best effort' whereas Mitel Compatible and Mitel Certified applications are entitled to support that includes varying SLA's and tracking. For more information, see Application Registration.
IMPORTANT: At this time, support for the Service Delivery API is only available through the Community Forum.
Mitel Product Support
While Mitel Partners are expected to troubleshoot their own custom applications, Mitel Support is available to assist with issues pertaining to the CloudLink platform (including the APIs) provided that the custom application/integration is Mitel Compatible or Certified. To submit a support request:
Login to MiAccess
Go to 'TechCentral Tracker' on the navigation menu
Provide the requested information to submit a support ticket.
Please ensure that you provide as much detail around the issue including a step-by-step walkthrough of the issue with timestamps for all events, PBX logs, and anything else you feel might be useful. Of particular importance is the value of the headers in the response to API calls relevant to your issue, particularly the "x-mitel-correlation-id".
If you are a Mitel customer, please contact the Mitel Partner who deployed your custom application. To locate a Mitel Authorized Partner or service provider in your area click here or call us at one of our regional offices throughout the world.
Mitel Professional Services
Specializing in custom development and integrations for all Mitel platforms and applications, Mitel's Professional Services team has decades of collective experience with Mitel's full range of products and services. For Mitel's CloudLink platform, our Professional Services team can:
Provide expert guidance on how to get the most out of the CloudLink APIs
Provide guidance on development in a wide range of programming languages
Design and/or develop complete custom solutions and integrations
To obtain a quote for of consulting hours or a complete project, please see 'HOW TO: REQUEST A SERVICE QUOTE' on PowerUp under Products & Solutions ->Professional Services: